Are you considering taking out loan to fund your business? Before running off to sign for a loan, make sure you’re aware of your financial options!
What’s The Difference Between An ABN And ACN?
There can be a lot of confusion between an ACN and ABN number, they are two different business numbers issued by different Australian Government entities. In this article we’ll explore the differences between and ACN and ABN and the different functions that each number serves.
Business Financing and Cash Flow
Like the gas in your car, cash in your business account keeps things running smoothly. But, if your tank goes empty, neither your car nor your business will be going anywhere until the fuel is replenished. A big business relies on its credit line from traditional lenders to keep the vehicle moving, but what if your business is a small …
What Is The Right Type of Business Finance?
Most business failures can be laid at the door of undercapitalisation. A business needs to have funding for business premises, equipment or inventory, if not both, plus staff wages, utility payments and a thousand other things that require cash outlay before a business turns a profit and can become self-funding.
Business Basics – Understanding GAAP Principles
You’ve started a small business, and it’s going well. At least, you think it is. You look at your Accounts Receivable and see that you have a couple of payments outstanding. You look at your Accounts Payable and see that there are bills coming up. Wait, have you made a profit or not?
Business Basics – Understanding Profit and Loss
Who needs to create a profit and loss account? Limited Liability Companies must produce a formal profit and loss account every year and submit it to calculate the amount of corporation tax the company needs to pay. If you’re a sole trader or partnership, you don’t need to create a profit and loss account for tax purposes but it’s useful …
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